Ideal Presentation duration
This question usually we face around here almost every day. What should be the ideal length of presentation?
There are various factors on which the duration of presentation depends.
However on basis of many studies and experience we established that presentation upto 8 minutes are more appropriate than longer presentations. This 8 minutes of presentation duration is optimized between amount spent on making the presentation and user attention paid in terms of time to presentation or engagement of presentation. In other words Return on Investment or value of money.
Now while stating above, it is also worth of mentioning that it is also considered that target audience of these presentations are decision makers of companies or middle level or top level of management people who are seeing these presentations in business hours.
While getting a presentation done for your product or company, always put yourself in your target audience shoes. It should not be the things you have in your products or company but it should rather concentrating what a audience wants from you company or product, what he is interested in.
Always remember, make presentation according to your customer or market point of view not yours. For example you may have list of features of your company or product but you can not show them all which might take few hours to explain rather shorten your points into bullet include only those points which you think your audience want to see or know.
Basically it’s not length of presentation which will decide upon business but it’s content of presentation which are customized and made presentable as per target audience requirement and taste. So next when you plan you presentation always keep above in mind and get the most appropriate presentation in less duration.